
One marathon down, many more miles to go...

Monday, January 17, 2011

1 hour, not too shabby

Recently the gym has been full of your standard New Year's resolution folks. Annoying to say the least. It's quite irritating to show up to the gym and have no where to park, get inside and realize there are no cardio machines open. And mind you, I go to quite a large gym. It's really a good thing Jill and I lift first. Usually we can track down a couple of machines after we're done. 

Well, on Tuesday Jill and I completed the following bicep and back workout with a small amount of core:

Chin ups (assisted of course) - 3 sets of 15
Seated row - 3 sets of 17
Alternating hammer curls - 3 sets of 17
Closed grip lat pull downs - 3 sets of 17
Angled bicep curls - 3 sets of 17
Supermans - 3 sets of 20

Ab Machine crunches - 3 sets of 25
Torso rotation - 3 sets of 25

By the time we got done with the above, it was relatively late (around 7:00) so Jill headed home. I still wanted to get in a run and there happened to be an open treadmill. I set to do a quick 30 minutes, then when I got there decided to keep going. I got to 45, realized that if I quit then, I'd have to find a way to kill some time before I picked Erich up from work at 8:45. So, I kept running. I ended up running for a full 60 minutes. It felt amazing. I'm sure I didn't smell amazing after but I don't really care. 

This weekend is a long weekend and I'm pretty excited about it. I have tomorrow off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I'll be spending the morning in the pool for the first time in a long time. It's been so long that I don't remember the last time I swam laps. On the up side, I get to use my swim cap that looks like a fish. I'm pretty sure people are going to seriously laugh at me but, oh well. Gina is coming with me and it was a gift from her so I have to wear it. Kind of like pink bunny pajamas one might get from their great aunt for Christmas. Only an orange fish swim cap is way cooler than pink bunny pajamas.

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