
One marathon down, many more miles to go...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome, Heat Wave!

The past few weeks have been CRAZY busy for me. Since I took on my new position in October, I've had substantially more work to accomplish, which has meant early mornings and working past when I should be able to go home. Since May 1, we've had two events. The first was Walk MS (which had terrible weather by the way) and the second was a one day Bike MS ride. Bike MS had great weather. I even got my first sunburn for the summer. Yee haw! Next up is another Bike MS event June 10-12. Two days of riding 150 miles from Duluth to White Bear Lake, MN. It's a beast of an event with about 3,500 people riding and takes a lot of preparation to put it on. Needless to say, right now is a bit hectic and I have seriously neglected my running. Yesterday morning, that all changed.

I realized yesterday as I was brushing my teeth, that in two short weeks training for Run to Stop MS begins for real! Since my training schedule is rest Monday, short run Tuesday, mid-distance Wednesday, short run Thursday, rest Friday, long distance Saturday and cross train Sunday, I figured yesterday would be a good day to start getting used to that schedule. Now, I'm not training yet, just making sure I get used to fitting in a run no matter what. So, I decided I'd go for a run after work. Well, while at work I was putting away supplies from the above mentioned bike ride and discovered that it had become seriously humid outside. See, part of putting away supplies means washing dishes and we do it outside with a hose and a really big Rubbermaid tub. Have I ever mentioned how much my job rocks? It was pretty standard summer humidity, however seven days ago it was March weather. I was a little taken aback but immediately excited. Summer weather! Then I remembered that I had decided to get in gear and go for a run after work. I can't remember the last time I ran in hot, humid weather. Last summer I ran inside on the treadmill.

When I got home it was 88 degrees and over 60% humidity. I set out for a 3-mile run around my 'hood. I remembered my lesson from last time and did not run up Fillmore Street. Damn those hills. They will have to wait for another, more appropriate day. Instead I went up Lincoln. Oh yes, have I ever mentioned that I live in an area where the streets are all presidents and they're in sequential order of when they served in office? William Henry Harrison doesn't get a street. I guess dying in office after a month doesn't get a street named after you. [shrug] You're welcome for the interjected history lesson, but, back to my run. It was pretty flipping terrible. There is no doubt that my body is not yet used to that heat. I felt like death. To make matters worse, for the last half, I was running on a busy road so everyone driving home from work during rush hour could see my struggle. Stellar move, Whitney. But I made it home and didn't die. Though I did turn on the air conditioning so I wouldn't sweat all night. I also learned on Tuesday, after much trial and error over the past couple of weeks, that I have to break one of my cardinal fashion rules for grown women. I have to pull my hair back in pigtails in order to get enough of it out of my face and off my neck for comfort. Gah! Totally worth it though because I'm still digging this hair cut.

The hot, humid weather spawned some pretty intense storms in the area too. The far-reaching northwest suburbs had tornado touch downs. We had a tornado warning in the immediate metro area due to some funnel clouds seen in St. Louis Park and Hopkins, just west and southwest of Minneapolis. When this happened I promptly called my boss, Allison, who lives about 15 blocks from me to see if I could come over. Erich was working at the Twins game and I was not about to be stuck at home alone if a tornado actually happened. Plus, Allison has a basement. :) We didn't have much excitement in the Nordeast neighborhood. No tornadoes or hail, thank God. My poor car has been through enough since purchasing it in October. Only some rain. They did however have to rake Target Field free of golf ball-sized hail so the Twins could resume getting murdered by the Tigers. Boo Twins. What happened to that no-no Liriano?

The storms were supposed to continue into today, however they did not. I went for another 3-mile run this afternoon along the same route and it was significantly better. The temp was about 10 degrees cooler and the sun went behind the clouds about 1/3 of the way through. Since Erich was home I left my phone and keys. I forgot to look at what time I left the house so I don't know how long it actually took me to complete this today. Oh well. Today I decided that I love running with nothing on my person. No ipod, no phone, nothing. It makes me a little nervous without the phone, but I just tell Erich what my route is and tell him that if I don't return in a reasonable amount of time, to come looking for me. I tend to notice a lot more things and interact with the people with whom I come into contact. Today, at a busy intersection, I even saw three wild turkeys just chillin' in a parking lot. Strange things going on with the turkeys here lately. I think they've gotten lost. This isn't the first time I've seen them smack in the middle of the city. I want to know how they got there because turkeys don't really fly...   After dinner (no we didn't have turkey!) Erich and I treated ourselves to Culvers frozen custard. Mmmmm. Just a single scoop is perfect for me.

Tomorrow is another running day before I take Friday off. I'm going to see if Jill wants to go for a walk/run after work. I'm hoping it's not raining. It's been a while since I ran along the river so I think tomorrow will be a good day for that. I am mighty excited now that I think about it.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that between the run and the tornado warning yesterday, I ate an entire cantaloupe. Well, everything but the outer rind, but you get the idea. A whole cantaloupe in one sitting! Today I cut up a watermelon. Erich promptly told me that I am not allowed to eat the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm there with you on the cantaloupe thing. Definitely done that before!
